Thursday, June 21, 2012

Ready, Set, Go...

This isn't how I envisioned it.  As usual, I had something far more grandiose in mind, which is typically why I rarely finish anything; I can never seem to live up to my own standards.
So anyway, here it is.  My blog.  Today is National Go Skateboarding Day, which I felt was a good deadline to encourage me to begin; also appropriate because much of what I'll write about relates to skateboarding (in addition to general musings about cars, art, music, etc.).  Of course, it being Go Skate day, I spent the evening actually skating, and not writing.  First steps are always the hardest, but making this post gives me something to come back to, and by laying the initial groundwork now, it hopefully will be less daunting to come back to, so consider this a placeholder.
I hope you were able to break away and spend some time rolling today; like so many things, it all starts with a single push. - A.